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Friday, November 18, 2011

Advertise your product in YouTube and be like the Big Boys

The Hot wheel cars were moving fast on the Thunder Speedway, the blue GT Racer is zipping ahead of the other two cars and taking on a curve, the checkered flag is in sight and looks like it is going to be a win,  but not so fast, like a black mamba chasing its prey the Black Baja truck is chasing the GT-Racer along the curves of the speedway, inching closer and closer, crushing the tiny car to the side rails, suddenly out comes from the GT Racer’s rear,
a splash of oil, smack dab in the middle of the speedway, out goes the Baja Truck spinning away into oblivion, the GT Racer crosses the checkered flag spins in Victory, the new champion of the Hot wheels Custom Car race is, the Blue GT-Racer, the GT-Racer that I awesomely customized with the Oil Slick Splash.

Now you may all think I am writing about some new video game that I played in my PS3, what would you say If I told you that it is not a PS3 game but a YouTube video. Yes, what I described above is the user experience from an interactive YouTube video done by the Buddy Group in Orange County, California for Mattel that has a million views to  its credit which I had the opportunity to see at lat month's Orange County Product Managers Monthly Mixers.

Most of us think of YouTube as a place where you find “my cat napping” videos and ‘blonde on the elevator’ videos and the trending is not necessarily the one businesses would be excited about to advertise and grow their brand, but unknown to us all Google has been working under covers to make YouTube a platform where they can bring two pieces of what they do best ‘search’ and ‘social’ to create a content delivery platform that is capable of democratizing creative marketing.

Advertising in YouTube for small businesses levels the playing field in comparison to the big boys who have lot of money to spin and brings your product in front millions of audience for FREE. Case in point is the Orabrush Story. The inventor of  Orabrush Dr.Bob tried every possible way to get his product in front of you and me and found no success. Every route he took like infomercials, market study, failed miserably. Finally he spent $300 made a YouTube Video and built a strong community with 16 million views of the video and created a brand presence that has helped him to put Orabrush on the shelves of big giants like Wal-Mart and Walgreens in the same league as Crest and Palmolive.

Google is also working on a set of tools and will be giving them for free very soon to make creating content easy for anybody. You need not be a Martin Scorsese to create cool videos to advertise your product and grow your brand. To see how this will work check out  a site produced by the Buddy Group for Google and American express to help small business promote themselves by producing professional quality video from normal shoots of normal people.

Another place in YouTube you want to visit if you are serious about using YouTube as your branding platform is It showcases some of the best creative marketing videos on the platform. Especially checkout the helpful links on the right side bar.

One more resource for using YouTube as a creative marketing platform is the YouTube Creator space. Especially check out a playbook to create content for YouTube that is professional and compelling.

YouTube Channels, Google Plus Integration, Out of the Box Mobile integration, Interactive Platform, Automated content creation and Google's ranking algorithm that has more weightage to your YouTube video provides any small player a great opportunity to tell the world about their product and broadcast it for FREE in YouTube.

So next time when you go to YouTube check out its Creative Marketing capabilities and let me know what you think.

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